Promoting History and Heritage of Religions in Scotland among South Asian Women and their Families
The heritage project focused on the history and heritage of religions in Edinburgh/Scotland over the last 100 years. The history and heritage of religions in Scotland was explored through ten religious sites/buildings in collaboration with the local libraries and museums – mainly National Library of Scotland, National Museum of Scotland and Edinburgh Museums. In addition, local libraries and other museums such as Museum of Childhood and People’s Story Museum were approached. There was also emphasis on the introduction to Scotland’s early religious history through research in the local libraries, and then presented in the form of photographs with writings attached to these. The participants were mainly South Asian women, and to some extent their families – mainly men, to support the successful outcomes for the project. The religious sites/buildings visited were the ones that are used at present as Churches, Synagogue, Temples, and a Mosque in Edinburgh. Some of the sites identified were St. Giles Cathedral, Roslin Chapel, Greyfriars Kirk, Hindu Temple, and a Sikh Temple. In some cases, the community representatives were interviewed to find out the background history of the buildings as well as how it was handed over to the current occupier community. The buildings already identified were used as examples for the participants to identify further religious sites of interest in Edinburgh through research. The training sessions were held where participants learnt how to identify listed buildings. The archive department of the City of Edinburgh Council was contacted for records.
The buildings identified were mainly in Edinburgh. The participants also received training in researching and recording the early history of religions in Scotland such as Romans, Picts, Celts and early Christians. This was done by going through the relevant manuscripts. There was further training on computer and IT skills, photography and video making and a training session was done on how to prepare and put up an exhibition for wider audience. The history of religions in Scotland and the history of religious sites are important to the local communities to learn how religions emerged and evolved over years. The heritage is all the more important to the South Asian communities, as learning about the history of religions gave them better picture of the place that they have their home and also gave them a sense of belonging.

Team Involved in Project

NKS Heritage Project Coordinator

NKS Heritage Project Worker